In 2019, we opened in our school, in
Haifa, Israel; a Robotics team in memory of our school athlete Noa Hayat RIP, named
We compete at the
First Tech Challenge competition of the First Organization, an organization that encourages children and teens to be interested in science, technology and more. Furthermore, FIRST creates a contributing and powerful technological scientific community in Israel and all around the world. Every year there is a national competition where hundreds of children from many areas of the country, are participating and presenting their solution to the annual challenge.
In order to fulfill the group's vision - to build a broad community of children and teens who are interested in science and technology; we expose children to the technological worlds and motivate them. We create young robotics groups from elementary schools in Haifa, competing in the FLL program.
In 2022 we won the Israeli Competition's Promote Award, And in 2023 the Israeli Competition's Control Award and Winning Alliance Award.