
This was the fourth year we competed in FTC. Our improvement over the last seasons was felt; we worked harder- and so, our results were better. On the day of the competition, we started with four matches in which there was a software malfunction, which cost us a lot and made it difficult to control the propulsion system. We got a chance to regenerate and the three games that were after solving the problem were excellent, we passed 140 points at all of them and performed well, although at the end of the qualifiers we came in 17th place because of the few first rounds in which there was a malfunction, but in the games where the robot functioned as we expected, we registered the strongest teams and Fata Morgana #15637 chose us as a second choice for the first alliance of our division; an alliance with them, Orbit Vikings #14029 and us. We played together with the amazing Fata Morgana and passed the 200 points (Without penalties). Our alliance finished in first place in the national competition!!! In addition, we won the prestigious control award thanks to the professional software of the programing team. It was a crazy season, we consolidated as a team, we improved, we learned a lot and of course we had fun. We leave this season with a lot of conclusions for the next season.
